Polkey, J. (n.d.). Vogue. photograph.

Every year, as much as 92 million tons of clothing end up in landfills. Only a small percent of clothing gets donated and end up in local thrift stores. Purchasing items from secondhand stores directly impact the amount of clothing that will end up in landfills. That’s why it’s so important to consider thrifting as it allows you do help reduce waste and lower your carbon footprint.

On a lighter note, thrift stores have unique items that usually aren’t currently circulating the fashion world. It makes for a fun experience because you don’t know what you may find! Also a lot of items are going to be heavily discounted from the original price, so you are saving money as you save the planet.

Make sure to explore a variety of second-hand stores. Not only can you go to your local Goodwill or Plato’s Closet, but there are many independent small thrift shops that have curated items and a mix of vintage, designer, and contemporary pieces!

Thrift shopping doesn’t have to just be done in person. In our modern world, we have the luxury of shopping online, but we could also buy second hand through many retailers. Online platforms such as Etsy, Depop, ThredUp, and eBay are all popular websites where people buy and sell their used clothing. These days, selling on Instagram has also become a popular mechanism for buying second-hand clothing!

Ultimately, be sure to keep an open mind and be patient! Thrifting often takes a lot of time and shuffling through clothing racks. I advise all thrifters to not be discouraged if they can’t find anything they like right off the bat. There is a certain beauty to taking time and effort to find a diamond in the rough item (as I like to call it). It’s an exciting feeling to find a piece that matches your personal style in a sea of clothes that you wouldn’t think twice about wearing.

Have you ever bought second-hand or vintage items?

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